
Top Tips on How to Use Twitter to Promote Your Businesses

In this tutorial, altogether, we introduce 8 practical and effective tips on how to market your businesses by applying Twitter serving as online social networking and microblogging platform, Twitter is broadly utilized to promote blogs as well as businesses.

Twitter, as a social networking service, enables its users to both read and sent text messages within 140 characters. With its sweeping around the world, the official data manifested that it had owned 200 million users who sent more than 400 million tweets every day. Now, it is high time join this trend. So, how can you market your businesses by using Twitter? Looking for the answer, please check the following tips.

Tip 1: Create Distinctive Brands

Exactly, it is your Twitter account and profile that lay a solid foundation for successful interpretation of your businesses by telling your story to the Twitter community. Importantly, it should be prioritized to create an account name and images that are consistent with your own brand, as well as other online presence of your businesses, making contributions to help people recognize your businesses.

To be exact, your account username shows itself in all of your tweets with which you are capable of enlarging popularity by appearing with a unique identity. Hence, make a username that impresses people to the utmost and is easy to be found. Then, set up your account with a name that is easy to spell and remember, most importantly, matches to your businesses.

Tip 2: Utilize Professional and Attractive Profile Images

Another part keeps appearing next to every tweet you send is your Twitter profile image which is a square photo, which can be uploaded under “Profile” in your account settings. Therefore, it is commendable to adopt the characteristic logo of your company while your headshot is also ok.

Furthermore, as a large background photo, the header of your Twitter profile contributes to the promoting and marketing of your businesses to a great extent. Also, the background can be customized to exhibit specific brands.


Tip 3: Come out a Strategy for Twitter Marketing

Make clear how you can maximize the using of Twitter for the promotion of your businesses by drawing up plans for pivotal aspects including the type of posted content, promotions both online and offline, posting frequency, and landing page and so forth.

Advisably, some successful examples include regular posts of special offers, encouragement of interaction, and offer of helpful answers to people asking questions on Twitter to build relationships with audiences.

Tip 4: Begin Following People on Twitter

First of all, it is recommended to be selective about who you are to follow after which you subscribe to read what is shared by them. For businesses, the categories of people followed include partners, contractors, suppliers in businesses, customers, as well as professional organizations for your industry, businesses in your neighborhood and so on.

After paying close attention, you are bound to find that some of those people also start following you. Hence, never mind that you do not know them at the beginning.

Tip 5: Share Photographs and Videos Instead of Pure Text Alone

It is human nature to prefer photos and videos rather than boring and attention-demanding text. As for photographs, what is profitable is to share them, which are both ok from desktops and mobile phones. It is worth noting that Twitter automatically adds the photos you have shared to a photo gallery among which the first six ones show themselves on the page of your profile, which can be made full advantage to display your businesses.

With regard to videos, they cannot be added to Twitter directly. Firstly, they should be uploaded to another kind of services such as Youtube and Vimeo, then have their links copied and pasted to websites. Only with this process completed can you link them to your tweets. The importance is true of promoting businesses in WordPress websites to enrich the content.

Tip 6: Extend Your Audiences Using Hashtags

Do not be confined to the existing audiences, but keep looking for new ideas via expanding them using hashtags that refers to a common topic. To be vivid, taking NCAA as an example, it is the hashtag of the US college sports association. So, when you spot a tweet with a specific hashtag, it is wise to click it to view tweets from people you do not know. Also, it is efficient to resort to the creation of hashtags that are unique for your businesses helping people locate your companies and conversations.

Tip 7: Get Your Twitter Mobile

With progress and improvement made, at present, Twitter has already released a number of applications for widely used devices including Android, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Windows phone, iOS and so on. Hence, Twitter mobile websites and applications make it easy to send and receive tweets.

In addition, Twitter enables you to set up push notifications to your smartphones with which you are capable of getting informed when people retweet your tweets, people mention you, somebody sends a message to you or when you get a new follower. Therefore, keeping a responsive reply to cement relationship is simple.

Tip 8: Promoting the Address of Your Twitter

As much as possible, we recommend promoting the address of your Twitter on your Facebook page, official websites of your companies or email signature. This helps people who do not know your Twitter address to notice you and be your followers. Meanwhile, having posted in the blog of your websites published in your Twitter also plays a significant role in boosting traffic.

Tip 9: Post Business Related Tweets

The first two steps can be regarded as preparations for business promotion. Now, it’s time for marketing. The most effective way to do this is to tweet for your business, including the introduction of your commodities, the link to your e-commerce site, and even the positive review posts of your company.

Here, we have to mention that you need to make things professional and commercial. Always remember that this is a business account, so never share something irrelevant to your company.

Tip 10: Utilize Twitter Ads

Twitter has an advertising tool for users to connect with their potential clients. According to the online survey, we have found that the majority of people are likely to make a purchase from the providers they have followed or communicated on Twitter. With Twitter ads, you can do this easily.


  • Promoted account – This can be viewed as the ad being able to attract your targets to follow you, appearing in front of the right Twitter users.
  • Promoted Tweet – This is similar to the common tweet that can be retweeted and replied. However, it can include a rich media to better present your business.
  • Analytics – You can get a better result if you gain deeper insights. The Analytics can help you keep in touch with what you have done on Twitter tightly, and monitors your ads unceasingly in real-time.
  • Price – This tool never charges you for the common activity on this social platform. You only need to pay for the service when your promoted account is followed and your promoted tweet is replied or retweeted.

To use Twitter ads, simply log into this webpage and click the Let’s go button to start advertising. After choosing the geographical location of your targeting market and your monthly budget for advertising in the next screen, you can see an information area that appeared automatically requiring you to enter your name, email address, the Twitter account for your business, company name, and phone number. Once finishing, simply click the Submit button. Then, simply wait for the analyzing result from Twitter ads.

Rick Hammond

I'm a marketing consultant by trade and also own a portfolio of over 20 websites. Over the years I have tested most of the well know hosting companies for my sites and therefore can give insight into which are good and which are not from my personal experiences.

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